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Time flies...

Not exactly sure where the hell my 4-day weekend went but oh well, hope everyone had a nice Good Friday. Have 90+ episodes of Slam Dunk! to sift through thanks to BitTorrent. Netflix has also started in on the Martian Successor Nadesico section of my queue so it'll be nice to finally finish that series.

Been on a spicy food kick lately for some odd reason so visited Grand Sichuan International - Clinton last week. Not bad. Their dandan noodles were pretty darn spicy and their fresh chicken dishes are pretty good. Going to check out Grand Sichuan International Eastern (same chain) tonight and try out some other stuff. Ah wait, now I remember why I got into this in the first place. Cause we went to the Grand Sichuan restaurant down in Chinatown a few weeks back and I've had a hankering for dandan noodles ever since then. If anyone knows of any other good, relatively authentic Sichuan (aka Szechuan) restaurants in the city that isn't called "Grand Sichuan", let me know. ;-)

Comments (3)


Mmm… dandan noodles! Haven’t had those in years. The restaurants in the Bay Area just don’t do it right.

Slam Dunk!? That’s a pretty old series. Yeah, BitTorrent’s sucking up all of my bandwidth nowadays. Only I seem to be hooked on dramas now.

Finally finished GTO. (Ben, you downloaded the wrong file. The movie has no continuity with the series and special, had a different production team, had only Soramachi from the original cast.

Been listening to the Long Vacation OST a lot lately. So, that seems the logical choice for the next drama.


I actually don't remember having dandan noodles before until that visit to Chinatown Grand Sichuan. But the damn thing's so good.

It's also hard to find a place that serves the spicy wonton in chili oil sauce in its authentic form. The majority of the few Americanized Chinese places that have them use this freaky peanut sauce with it which just drives me batty. So I'm pretty psyched that this Grand Sichuan chain at least makes them the way they're supposed to be made.

Yeah, Slam Dunk! is pretty old. Oldie but a goodie as the saying goes. I'm impressed with the download speed that I get with BitTorrent. Once I remembered to turn off Netbarrier the down speed was in the hundreds per sec. Remember to restrict your upspeed (I have it set to 10 kb/s) or else your bandwidth pretty much dies. Now if only torrentskickass.com would come back online. =p

Is the GTO series subbed? I don't mind having watched the movie. The women made it more palatable. =)


Yeah, Don’t even dare order it in a place where they speak Cantonese. You&rsquoll be sorry. NOt really a fan of the chili oil, unless it chili w/bean paste or… mmm&hellp; XO sauce.

I thought it was just me that couldn’t get on torrentskickass.com. I’ve been visiting greenlight.refused.org in the meantime, but haven’t grabbed anything.

You can get GTO hard-subbed at Japan-TV. (Well, I don’ know if any of the younger girls in the series compare to Rena Tanaka. Tomoko’s pretty funny, though; just don’t be expecting big boobies. ;-) J-TV also subs a few Hongkong and Korean dramas.

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