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Gotta Love the Onion

This article reminded me of someone.

and how about this one?

Room Scanned For Something To Sell On eBay
ALBANY, CA—Applying tape to the last package in a 12-item round of eBay sales, Brandon Vye scanned his bedroom for anything else he could auction off online. "I sold the Grand Ole Opry floaty pen... the UNO cards... the Santa socks—so now what?" Vye asked as he spun around in his swivel chair. "Maybe I could sell these science textbooks, or my tapes of old SNL episodes? God, I've got to have something I can mail off."After listing a misshapen clay bowl he made in a high-school ceramics class, Vye decided to head out to the yard to search for "eBay-able stuff" there.

Comments (7)


I wish I could walk into a store and buy any computer I wanted. But I'm too used to bargain hunting across the web to do that. ;-p


No, the guy buying the computer didn't remind me of someone... it's the *other* guy!

how come after scolding me repeatedly for not using my real e-mail address in these forms, you're being so elusive now?

... and yes, I have been getting spam from having my e-mail on this site...


Who’s that other guy? I’m curious…


Uck. My fault for being so oblique! The Cheng in the article reminds me of our very own Ben Cheng. (hence the link to your entry about being hassled to put pics of the experience online.) The Trask guy in the article doesn't remind me of anyone I know.


You just noticed I haven't been using my real email address now??? I don't think I've used my email address at all since the 2nd or 3rd day I had this blog up. I've been using it as extra commentary.


I thought the Trask guy was Lee. Didn't he wander out and return with the Powerbook in the first place?


I didn't feel like being nitpicky until now. ;-)

Don't think I didn't notice you haven't answered the question.


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