Kinda reminds me of the hick anti-abortion protester at the March for Women's Lives this past weekend shouting "submit thee back to the kitchen" over the megaphone. Gotta love The Daily Show. Speaking of which, I always thought Stewart does a pretty good job making the show relatively neutral as far as politics are concerned. He welcomes both Dem and Repub guests with equal zeal and mocks actions from both camps that are worthy of mocking. But lately he's been injecting more of his liberal self into his interviews. On being asked what question he would ask Bush/Cheney if he were in the 9/11 Commission, "What the *bleep* is wrong with you people?!" Or maybe that's just cause he was interviewing Bob Kerrey last night.
Comments (1)
I bet Jon Stewart is in his own way sticking it right up Dennis Miller's ass. Miller time now means BushCo. endorsed monkey humor on a semi financial channel.
Look who's on top now. Well, at least in my mind.
The Daily Show is some good stuff.
Posted by erikgil | May 2, 2004 10:25 PM
Posted on May 2, 2004 22:25