... but still shamefully extravagant...
If everyone lived like me, we would need 3.7 planets.
How many planets would you need?
« Gotta Love the Onion | Main | Warm at last!!! »
... but still shamefully extravagant...
If everyone lived like me, we would need 3.7 planets.
How many planets would you need?
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 19, 2004 5:37 PM.
The previous post in this blog was Gotta Love the Onion.
The next post in this blog is Warm at last!!!.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.
Comments (3)
3.7 planets too. 16 acres. So I guess Bush is doing us a favor by ridding the world of people using acres that are rightfully ours. Bush 04!!
Posted by Ben | April 19, 2004 8:29 PM
Posted on April 19, 2004 20:29
No way! How did your SUV and large spread beat my public transportation and cramped quarters?
Maybe it's the international flights I take...
Posted by green goober | April 22, 2004 5:17 PM
Posted on April 22, 2004 17:17
Dude, I drive like 2 days a week now if that. Plus their spread ranges were pretty wide if I remember correctly. You were probably the lowest selection but mine's only 1 above it.
Posted by Ben | April 22, 2004 5:38 PM
Posted on April 22, 2004 17:38