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Taxes suck even more...

Just spent the entire afternoon doing my freakin' taxes. My eyes are bleary and I feel sleepy, and that's even after I had a nice 9 hour sleep last night. Would be in a better mood if I didn't owe MORE taxes (hey, where the hell's my tax break Bush?!). But that's Qwest's fault. Damn lump sum they gave out as severance pushed me into the next income bracket and needs to be taxed to boot. At least they're supposed to repay me for it. They better since it's not exactly chump change.

And now I can't file my federal file electronically cause it's asking for my gross income from LAST year's return which I don't have a physical copy of since I believe I actually have it in PDF form in my Powerbook, which is still in the shop for another week, and on my external hard drive for my Powerbook, which can't be read by my PC desktop because MS SUCKS! At least I'm not doing this at the last minute.

I need a cold compress for my eyes.

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