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Pitfalls of being tech dependent...

Friday afternoon turned out to be a heck of an emotional rollercoaster ride for me. Mostly my own doing really. First off I was looking forward to getting my Powerbook back from Tekserve after it had been gone for 2 weeks.

Come 2pm, no call yet from them to let me know whether or not I could pick it up so I decided to give them a call to check up. Was forwarded to the service dept where no one picked up so I left a voicemail. A bit after 4, they finally called back to say that the bottom case had been replaced but they were still waiting for the screen replacement. I said no problem, I'll just pick it up and leave a deposit for the screen. Girl on the phone said ok, lemme go check with your tech if you can pick it up. After a couple of minutes she comes back and says she'll have to call me back cause she can't find my tech.

5:30, still no call and I was ready to go home so I decided to just drop by since it was on the way and you usually have to wait for awhile to pickup anyway. Finally received a call at 6 while I was already in the store that it was ok for me to pick up. Whew, I would've been pretty darn annoyed if I couldn't. For one thing, how does it take 2 weeks to just replace a bottom case? Prior to this I had usually had 2-3 day turnarounds with these guys so this 10 day wait was a bit of an anomaly and I was getting pretty antsy without my primary machine. I never know how much I depend on this thing until I lose it for awhile. Even with my PC desktop at home, pretty much all of my data is stored on my laptop so I'm pretty damned lost without it.

So anyway, the whole laptop situation turned out fine after a few hours of anxiety. Hopefully they won't make me wait this long again when the screen actually comes in and I have to take this thing back to have it swapped.

But that's not the end of this story...

Interspersed with this "waiting for news on my laptop" issue, I had also been trying to contact Erin since about 3 or 4pm. Last I had talked to her was at about 1 where I was out getting my lunch and she had just finished roaming through Macy's looking for a particular Puma bag (unsuccessful) and was heading to K-town for lunch. From 3-6pm I couldn't reach her on her cell. I knew the cell wasn't turned off cause voicemail didn't pick up after like 2 rings. So I was starting to get peeved. I finally got through at a little after 6 when I was also finalizing my laptop pickup. She said she had been sleeping and was at home so I said fine I'm coming home now. I get home about 45 minutes later and nobody's home and no indication that she had been home. So I start calling her cell again and again, lotsa rings and no answers. A little before 8 and right before I started kicking my panic mode into high gear, she finally answers again. Apparently the first time she had answered she had actually been sleeping at her school library and was so groggy that she thought she was at home. And after hanging up, she went right back to sleep. She was really tired from walking all around Soho and midtown window-shopping that afternoon and the day before. =p At this point I was half pissed and half relieved that she was ok. But I figured no point in getting too mad since it's not entirely her fault that she's such a sleepyhead.

Anyway, I blame it all on cell phones. With cell phones I'm so used to being just a call away from her that I start wigging out if she hasn't responded in a given amount of time. Doesn't happen often but still, a bit of a pain in the ass when it does.

So at the end of the day, everything turned out ok and my heart rate was back to normal. Now that I look back on it, it's a rather silly story but hey, that's what blogs are for.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 28, 2004 2:16 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Am I too old....

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