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Let it snow...

Seems like snowstorms in March is pretty much obligatory on the East Coast these days. Just when the temperature had reached the 50s for a few days, now it's dumping about 2-4" in the city. And Erin had already put away our winter clothes. Good thing I finally picked up our scarves from the dry cleaners last night.

Finally brought my Powerbook in to Tekserve for repairs this morning. One sure way to not have to wait for hours for service there is to go right when they open (at 9 am) on a weekday. I guess that works better if you have a job with a flexible manager and/or work schedule.

Anyhoo, it's gonna cost about $300 to get the bottom half of my Powerbook replaced. Labor charge is actually more than the piece itself (figures), but overall it's in line with what I was expecting to pay. Only bummer is that it's apparently going to take 10 days to get my machine back. And that's not even with the screen replaced for the common "white spot" problem. Apparently Tekserve and Apple both are out of that part so I'll have to wait. And Tekserve won't order the part if I don't leave my 'book with them unless I fork over a $800 deposit.

Here's hoping the repair of the bottom half won't take the projected 10 days though. They've usually been pretty darn fast for me but I guess times change. Ah well. Time to go pester Erin about letting me get a new laptop for backup purposes. ;-)

Comments (1)


Currently 80 degrees here. But I'm stuck in the office. :-(

I guess I'll wait until I hear how your repair goes before I take my PowerBook in for the same spot problem.

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