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Just another day...

Kinda drab and dreary out today which rather sucks since it's relatively warm. At least it stopped raining. Sent out my "pay me back you punks" package to Qwest just before. Finally found out what the hell certified mail was (recipient needs to sign for it).

Thank goodness payday comes 3 times in April. Unfortunately that won't happen again until September.

It's nice to be able to listen to 80's tunes all day at work. It's been ages since I've heard "Carrie" by Europe. Occassionally popping over to the anime station.

Altoids has a new sour flavor: Apple, that comes in a red tin. I think I still prefer tangerine best though.

Had an interesting discussion at work the other day where my boss said that the US should take a page from China's book and just learn to butt out of foreign affairs for awhile. You rarely hear about China in the news when it comes to foreign issues right? And I don't think it's because their media is state-owned. Sure there's the ongoing Taiwan thing but in the realm of international issues, that's like a teeny weeny blip when compared to anything in the Middle East. Heck the only times you ever hear a peep out of China is when the US gets involved. And I don't quite buy the idea that because we're currently the primo superpower in the world that we need to police the world and/or actively look out for our own self-interests abroad. Especially since it seems like the US has a pretty bad track record when it comes to meddling with affairs abroad. Someone convince me why isolationism would be a bad thing for the US at this point in time. Clean house first fer cryin' out loud.

Comments (9)

I was interested in buying your domain... get back to me.



But how?


? Spammer? I don't think he's a spammer. Just someone also interested in "hitokiri." ;-p


Uh... okay... I just thought it odd, since he posted on dynalias.

Also, I couldn't figure out how he did that redirect when you click on his name.

BTW, Just what is that "Oriented" stuff I see when I forget to type in the "blog" part of your URL?


Heh, you gotta remember I'm running this blog off my home development server. I'm also the webmaster for the oriented.com and orientedhappyhours.com sites so what you're seeing is just the dev setup for the oriented.com site on my machine. I should get rid of it I suppose since I no longer do development for it on this machine but been too lazy so far. =)


Oh, as for the redirecting thing, that's what happens when you actually leave a URL instead of just an email address. ;-p


Doh! Didn't think of that. But if the redirect is to prevent spam, then why encode the URL further? Oh, nevermind...

I imagine that, being #1 on Google, you can fetch a hefty price. :-)


I'm not sure I'd say that China stays out of foreign affairs. They are probably more involved in asian affairs, but western nations and media aren't as interested in reporting it since it might not directly impact them.

They might not be invading another country, but how many western countries are doing that?


Eh, I'm sure they still are involved with Asian affairs, but I don't get the feeling that they've gotten to the point where they're telling other countries that it's their way or the highway. Then again, most countries these days are wary of pissing China off since they want to do business there so I guess China doesn't have to be overtly belligerent.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 25, 2004 4:08 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Spoke too soon....

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