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Good lord...

On the one hand, it's an Asian in the national spotlight. On the other hand, talk about perpetuating a stereotype. This is bad. Reaaaal bad.

On a very tangentially-related note, my 2nd Pepsi/iTunes giveaway song (I'm 2 for 2!): Locomotive (Complicity) - Guns N' Roses.

Comments (3)


No one can really sing that bad. He must have real talent to pull that act off.

Anyway, at least Jimmy Fallon didn't put on yellowface or have his eyes taped during his skit.


BTW, I don’t watch the show, but there’s a girl from Oahu in the finals. 3/4 (or 1/4) Asian depending how you categorize Filipino.


Ehhh, you'd be surprised. I think he really is that bad. Fantastically bad. On the one hand I can understand why he's become a cult hit but collectively for Asian males, it ain't good.

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