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Am I too old...

to be blogging? Been poking around Ricebowljournals for a while during the week and it seems like the majority of bloggers are in school. Granted, I usually feel and act 10 years younger than I actually am but still, should I not be spending so much time on this?

Anyhoo, I finally figured out a problem that's been plaguing my Palm T3 for a while now. Well, not really fixed it, just discovered what was actually going on. Every now and then the T3 would not turn on and it'd only come back to life after I plugged it into an outlet and charged it for a little while which led me to believe that it wasn't turning off properly. Adding to that was the fact that all my data and apps would be gone and I had to reinstall from my backups. But I have it set to shut off automatically after 2 minutes of inactivity so even if I had forgotten to turn it off it should do so anyway. So I figured it was a bad battery but the battery seemed fine most of the time. Got back home the other evening and discovered that the Palm was on and had crashed. So obviously once the darn thing crashes it's not going to be turning off automatically after 2 minutes. Which accounts for the battery drain and the hard reset that happens which wipes out the data. Gotta continue to keep an eye on this.

Comments (1)

Gotta agree with you there about RBJ, though there are some regulars that are our age who make it more relevant from time to time. Carlos is a father of two, and some of his friends are regular posters (being parents), but yeah, I would agree it is more for a younger crowd. What I have found particularly interesting in recent days are the Forumosa threads on Taiwan politics. Those posters are such a hoot!

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