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The American Way...

I just don't understand how something like this could possibly work. How can one person file a lawsuit in the name of EVERYONE in the USA. Lawsuits piss me off. Not saying that there aren't any legitimate suits out there but people just abuse the system way the hell too much. Can I file a lawsuit against this woman for causing traumatic disbelief and making me want to vomit?

Comments (2)

June =):

Heh.... I am definitely discovering that people sue for the dumbest things. Trust me... this is not the worst of it!

I'd have to look at the actual complaint itself but I think this will most likely be thrown out of federal court. One issue is that there isn't subject matter jurisdiction in general. The only way this could stand in federal court if there is complete diversity of citizenship between all the parties. If the plaintiff is stating that all of the US is being listed as claimants, that would destroy diversity. It's kinda like if you sue the MLB or something. There are so many individual citizenships in the larger group name that it would destroy diversity.

Anyway, it'll most likely be thrown out of court so no worries. =) Unfortunately, everyone is guaranteed the right to have their day in court! Talk about publicity stunts....


I take that back. It might hold up depending if the court recognizes the violation of the FCC statute or not. Anything with a federal question will stand. The other stuff can fall under "supplemental jurisdiction". And that's the end of the lesson about why things can get into federal court. =)

Aargh... the more I read, the more I think this might hold up in court!!!!!!! The absolute waste of court resournces....

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