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That's one way to do it...

Interesting blog entry by Eric Cheng detailing how he purchased a $199 Creative Labs Muvo 4GB MP3 player and ripped it up just so he can use the Hitachi 4GB Microdrive in his digital SLR. Apparently it's starting to catch on as there seems to be a bunch of pro photogs out there dismembering the new breed of MP3 players just for the microdrives. Wonder who'll be the first to do it to an iPod Mini.

Comments (2)


The contro was not so much about taking out the microdrive, but about folks returning the units without the drive or subbing it with a cheaper drive instead.

I think the resoponse was to solder them in.


Sheesh, how damn cheap can you be if you try to return the darned thing after removing the guts? I mean you're already getting the drive for pretty much 50% off and even that's not enough???

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