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After over 46 hours spread out over months, I finally finished Xenosaga! That was one really damn long movie/RPG. And it's supposed to be the first of a 6-part game! Yikes! Hope they don't run out of money (and players' interest) before then. Seems like I have a tendency of wasting too much time killing the random encounter critters to beef up my characters cause the big bad super boss at the end winds up being rather simple to beat. Same thing happened to me with Final Fantasy X. Ah well, on to Final Fantasy X-2!

Comments (2)


Trailer for part deux’s been out for a while. Didn’t recognize Shion at first, with normal proportions and without glasses.


Didn't even realize they had a trailer for it. =) But yeah, they made the character design a bit less anime-ish. Although Allen hasn't changed a bit it seems.

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