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Fun soft...

Testing out a new OSX blogging client by Adriaan Tijsseling called ecto. Supposed to work with a variety of blog servers out there including Movable Type. Seems to work pretty well although it only does posts. Doesn't seem to handle comments and other site management features.

Also found a nifty little app called OSXPlanet that displays a map of the Earth (along with cloud coverage if desired) in realtime as your desktop picture. Looks awesome and lots of neat little things you can do to it. You can see what my current desktop looks like with it running here. Best thing of all is, it's free!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 2, 2004 4:01 PM.

The previous post in this blog was K.I.S.S. in affect....

The next post in this blog is The American Way....

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