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Anime update...

Been watching GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka lately and it's quite an entertaining series. About a reformed infamous gang leader becoming a junior high school teacher. Character drawings leave a lot to be desired at times but still a decent story with some hysterically funny moments. First time I've seen Macs (PowerMac G4/400 & older Powerbook) mentioned in an anime though. Even if it is what the creepy snobby pervy stalker freak uses. ;-p

Comments (5)


You're so leaving yourself open on that last line, y'know... ^o^


Oh hush you. ;-)


Did you know there’s a live action version?

Obviously, it must be toned down from the anime, but it’s actually quite entertaining.


Yeah, had heard of the live-action version but unfortunately it's not available via Netflix. ;-)


I doubt many Japanese “dorama” make it onto NetFlix.

I’m pretty certain it’s on DVD, though—at least Region 2. The subs I get off BitTorrent are pretty crisp.

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