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A sure thing...

As everyone should know by now, there's a relatively low-tech method of ensuring that you win a free song with Pepsi's Win a Free Song on iTunes sweepstakes. It's actually not that easy at first, especially since there's usually condensation involved. Plus if you're in a not as ideally-lit bodega in the city, it could be pretty challenging. But that's where a handy Micro Photon light comes in handy. Thanks for the light, Fe! ;-) But anyway, I bought a bottle home to practice on and luckily I won with this bottle. So this'll be my very first purchase off of the iTunes Music Store. Well, not really a purchase but whatever. =)

So what was the song I redeemed my code for? Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve.

Comments (2)


I’ve not come across any of the promotional bottles yet.

Only yesterday, I noticed for the first time that they’re running an iTunes promotion with the large 7-Eleven Big Gulps, but I wasn’t thirsty at the time. Later, when I stopped by a different 7-Eleven, NO promo. :-(

Are they having problems with distribution, or is it just me?


Yeah I had heard that the promo bottles were taking a while to get out so I was surprised to find them in my local corner store.

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