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Dreary ass day today so what better way to liven up the day than to visit the local Museum of Sex. Nifty website by the way. But anyway, 'twas an interesting and educational trip although I think the admission fee was a bit high ($14.50 + tax) for just 2 floors of stuff.

Museum of Sex

On the N/R

Comments (4)


Should I assume that it may not be a good idea to open this link while at work?

Of course, as I’m typing this I’m wearing as an undershirt a T-shirt which would get me in trouble with HR.


Hmmm.... I think it was relatively benign but I guess it depends on how strict your workplace regulations are. ;-)


"An undershirt as a T-shirt" :-) Wife-beater?


No. A T-shirt as an undershirt. (Hadn’t done laundry in a while, so was out of wife-beaters)

A black T-shirt with a Vegas neon sign of a busty female. Nude except for the stars covering her “naughty bits.”

Pretty tame, but it’s overly PC here. People have been sent to sensitivity training for things minor like swimsuit calendars.

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