First off, who the heck came up with the idea of caucuses and why are they being held in such odd places like Iowa? The following quote by David Yepsen, a Des Moines columnist is rather illuminating:
"Iowa Democrats decided Howard Dean was simply too angry, too liberal and too gaffe-prone to be trusted with his party's presidential nomination...."
What's wrong with being angry? I think there's a pretty good chunk of the US population (the unemployed comes to mind) that are pretty unhappy right now.
Too liberal? What party was this caucus for? Oh right, we're talking about Iowa. Not trying to diss on Iowa but it shouldn't surprise anybody that a state in the Midwest has more conservative leanings.
Too gaffe-prone???? Hello????? Who's sitting in the White House right now? When did being gaffe-prone ever stop the US populace from putting someone into a position of power?
So what the hell's wrong with having a pissed off liberal as President anyway? I think it'd be a helluva lot more fun than having these stodgy conservatives pretending to give us back money when they're actually reaming us even harder. The only thing I have against Dean is that he's just creepy looking at times. Like when he's giving that oddly forced smile every now and then. It's just.... creepy.