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My goodness...

Holy cow, Mia Kirshner from The L Word is just SMOKIN'!

Not that I've seen it. But she was lookin' really darn cute on Leno.

Schmuck of the month goes to this guy who ruined a perfectly kickin' dual proc G5.

Comments (4)


She’s not a naked lesbian assassin in this one, is she?


As if gutting the thing wasn’t messed up enough …

He mentions the aesthetics of the case, but then puts in that hideous glowing green light.

Oh, wait … Sorry, Ben …


Well she's bi in this one and since it's on Showtime and billed as the next "Sex and the City" I'm assuming there will be some nudity involved. Not an assassin however. ;-p

Heh, my hideous glowing green light came with the case which I didn't know about. 'sides, it's on a PC, they're used to being hideous. =)


Yea, i'm not too impressed with what the guy did to that case. Especially a mac case? As for PC cases being hideous? I agree with the light thingys but it has to be done right to look nice. I think putting a light in the case is useless unless you're showing off some background you cut into the case.

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