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Misc grumblings...

Hope everyone's been having good weekends. Those of us in the Northeast have been stuck with some severely butt-numbing weather. But at least it's getting better. Wind chill temperatures are no longer below 0! Yay!

Anyway, new photo album up.

And I discovered that I had put a small, shallow dent in my Powerbook cover although I don't remember how. Goshdarnit.

I'm a little perplexed by traditional Islamic cleric's constant condemnations of non-veiled women. Are they saying that Islamic men lack any modicum of self-control when it comes to women? What the hell is that saying about their men? Have they spent too much time under the sun? Maybe if they didn't have this rule the men wouldn't be so hard up when a woman does expose an ankle or something.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 20, 2004 12:35 PM.

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