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Children are our future...

So there's this semi-big hoopla recently about the MoveOn ad that CBS declined to show during the Super Bowl this coming weekend because it was too "controversial." I had heard that they had refused it because they don't allow political ads during the biggest American sporting event of the year. Whether this is true or not I'll just have to wait and see since I don't really have the time to go hunt down the Super Bowl ad lineup for this year.

But anyway, to say that the commercial itself is "controversial" doesn't really make much sense to me. I just watched it. It was rather bland. And I don't think it'd be all that effective even if they did show it. For one thing, the kids aren't messed up enough. They're not grimey or depressed-looking enough to pull it off. It evokes images of children playing at being grownups that grownups always "aaawwwwww...... ain't that cute/sweet" about.

Furthermore, so what? Are our children not supposed to work when they grow up? It's not like we're going to make them work at this age. And by the time they do become worker drones we'll already have half or three-quarters of a foot into our graves. So what do we care? ;-p We're already coddling them enough as it is. And they can't even work enough to keep our social security in the black. So what's a few hundred billion more? =p

Anyway, I just don't think what the big deal is. Unless a pro-Bush ad suddenly popped up during the Super Bowl, THEN I'd be pissed.

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