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The aftermath...

Took the day off from work yesterday to attend the Lord of the Rings uber-fest. Watched the first 2 extended DVD versions on the big screen followed by the last installment, The Return of the King. Fe put up some random pics. Quite an experience. Was basically at the theater from 9:30am to 1:30am. There was about an one and a half hour intermission between each movie with the first one clocking in at over 3 hours, the second one at 4 hours and the third one holding its own at 3 hours, 20 minutes. And that's not even an extended version. Definitely an epic series befitting of the books.

Foxtrot comic

Then there were the "special guests" that made an appearance before the start of the third movie. Elijah Wood (Frodo), Sean Astin (Samwise), Dominic Monaghan (Merry), and Andy Serkis (voice of Gollum). They came in one by one to thunderous applause and stayed for like all of 5 minutes if even. =p But Elijah Wood did yell "Fuckin' A!!!" at us when the crowd cheered when he asked if we had just sat through the extended versions of the first 2 movies. So that was a little unexpected. But overall a good time was had by all. Definitely a great experience.

Comments (5)


Lucky lucky lucky!!!!!!! Waaah... I'm jealous! Sounds and looks like you guys had a fantastic time!! Despite the 12+ hours of standing in line and letting your butt go numb after sitting through almost 14 hours of movies. =)

I get to see ROTK tonight though. I love the cartoon! I swear between Orlando and Viggo, the movie's making money because of the female fans!


I like how Ben's wearing his U of C sweatshirt in the photos ... what, you wanted to fit in better at the LOTR marathon? ;-)



You guys are insane! Yeah, talk about a butt-numb-a-thon...

I probably won't be seeing it until Christmas day. Most likely followed by a meal at a Chinese restaurant.


You're just jealous of my sweatshirt. ;-p For a shirt that I've had since those days, it's held up remarkably well and is a damn fine article of clothing at that.

Anyway, there were a disappointingly small number of people who dressed up for the thing. And then there was the group that were nerds and proud of it since they were wearing shirts that read "NERD" on the back. And one even had "OTAKU" in kanji on the front.

right buttock:

NERD sweatshirt: That's exactly what I mean about the U of C sweatshirt!

But with those nerd sweatshirts, you'd think they'd have the kanji on the back... having nerd on the back just asks for an ass-kicking!

But then again, maybe I'm wrong. Nerds are very cool these days. (this was a good article:

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