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Stability is a good thing...

Transferred the guts of my home desktop into its new case earlier this week and so far so good. Also had received the replacement drive for my 1 month old 200GB drive and popped that in as well. Was pleased to see that they had sent me a 250GB drive instead. And so far everything seems to be working quite well. Much easier to install hardware into this new case and it came with 6 fans (3 of which are glowing green neon) as opposed to the 2 that I had in the old case. But surprisingly even though the fans aren't temperature regulated, the overall noise level isn't much more noticeable than before. Anyway, hopefully this'll be the last time in awhile that I have to delve into the bowels of this machine because something broke.

X-Alien Case

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Comments (2)

Glow in the dark cases? What will they think of next?


"Import tuning" for PCs, eh?

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