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Movie junkie...

Decided to catch up on some movie watching over the extended weekend. First off was Ran. Superb film although the liberal use of red paint during the battle scenes at times was a bit laughable. And Lady Kaede earns the "Psycho Bitch from Hell" award for the year. But great stuff overall.

Next, there was Frailty which turned out to be quite good. Wasn't really a scary movie, just a creepy suspense movie. It kinda follows along the lines of The Others and The Sixth Sense where you have a big twist near the end but it's a pretty good twist and is a pretty good movie in general. Surprised I hadn't heard much about it when it was first released.

And finally there's Ping Pong, a relatively recent Japanese flick that I thought was super, especially considering it was about ping pong for cryin' out loud. Didn't recognize any of the actors in it 'cept for the one who played the coach since he played the hilarious samba/mambo guy in Shall We Dance. It had some pretty corny and odd moments in it but had a pretty good soundtrack and was quite entertaining overall.

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