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The Port Authority completed the World Trade Center PATH station ahead of schedule and it opened today so we decided to go scout around since it makes our daily commute easier than before. For Erin she can now walk 5 or 6 short blocks to school from the station and I can walk a block over to hop onto the 4/5/6 uptown. What I wasn't expecting...

WTC Station Sign

was to show up right in the middle of Ground Zero. The station is below street level but since they haven't built anything else up around it yet, it's not exactly underground at the moment. And it's pretty darn big. Bigger than the previous station. Lots of open space. But I think they also kept the same stair/escalator location as before as well. Come to think of it I think the newsstand is situated in the same place too. Anyway, it'll be interesting to see how the commute is like this coming week.


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