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How a company should be run...

Bought a Traveler's Coolpad many years ago when they first came out and liked it so much that I bought one of the Podium Coolpad's as well when they were introduced later. Despite being sold almost everywhere these days, they seem to have remained a relatively small operation (not surprising since these things are basically just pieces of rubber and plastic after all). Last week I had emailed them to ask if it was possible to get replacement rubber feet since a few of 'em had fell off my Traveler. To my surprise they just said to email them my address and to top it off, they'd just mail me a completely new pad. So I received the new pad today and to my surprise (again), they had also included a sheet of the rubber feet. Now that's service. I haven't been this impressed since the fine folks at Barebones Software emailed me months after an initial query to inform me that the new version of BBEdit now supported Chinese and other 2-byte characters. So if any of you have a laptop, I'd seriously recommend picking up one of these Coolpads. I was sold by the swivel functionality alone.

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