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world tour

moonbeams and starlight
round the world they stay the same
high speed, slow shutter

Comments (7)


Cool pictures! (Now I want to travel even more...)


Wow... very nice. Like Diana, makes me really want to travel someplace else. Not that Chicago doesn't have it's lovely spots. (Still think the skyline in Chicago is one of the best at night, especially driving down Lake Short Dr late at night past downtown.) I especially like the photo with the shutter left open. Way cool!

Thanks! Yeah, I finally put up my digital pics from my trip at the beginning of the year.. there's a lot since I don't edit digital pics down, but here's a link for when you're bored - http://slim.deasil.com/~felix/pics/world/ - There's really only a couple gems in there, but you know.

Which one do you like, June? They're all night shots, so the shutters are pretty long on them with the camera propped on sundry things that happened to be convenient. :)


Such neat pictures Fe! Isn't that cathedral in Vienna wierd--the pattern seems so modern... Like the Great Wall pix and the neat spiral shot in Shanghai.

New Zealand and Easter Island--Wow. So want to go there Now.

I need to win the lotto so I can just travel...

Yeah, I think that cathedral is my favourite one, if not my favourite definitely in the top 3. It definitely wasn't fooling around trying to put a fear of god into you.

The spiral in Shanghai is in the top part of the grand hyatt (i think it was a grand hyatt) which resided in the top part of the tallest building in the city. All those things in the spiral are rooms in the hotel and I'm standing in the middle of a restaurant looking straight up. Heh!

I want to move to NZ. Please.


Ah, oops... Yes, they are all shots at night. *look of utter embarassment* (Heh, lack of sleep, really.... =))

I think I like the last photo the best. Really cool with the skyline lit up in the background and the people captured while moving in front. Kinda gives a feeling that the city will remain forever while our little mortal lives pass so swiftly. (Okay, a little too poetic and morbid, maybe?? Sorry....)

But it really is a tough call. I also really like the one with the tilted camera angle and the red lights in the foreground. Really nice...

And yes, going to NZ is becoming a priority... That or moving to Florence.... Maybe I'll consider retiring to a villa in Tuscany and have a summer home in NZ. Hmmm....


Yeah, I think that cathedral was the one thing I liked in Vienna (we were a bit sick of German/Austrian towns at that point).

Those are rooms in the spiral? Neat!

Okay, so we just need to win the lotto, then June, you move to Tuscany. Felix, you to NZ. I'll get a place in SE Asia (and one down in Belize or Costa Rico or some such), and then we all just visit each other. ^o^



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