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No sheep am I...

Apparently while everyone was watching Kill Bill: Volume 1 this weekend I remained oblivious and instead started my weekend intensive program in kyudo at the Toko Kyudojo in the city. Kyudo, the Way of the Bow, aka Zen archery, is a form of moving meditation where marksmanship is secondary. Prospective beginners need to take the First Shot Program which teaches you the seven coordinations, the basic form of aligning the body and properly drawing and releasing the arrow. One of those things that is relatively easy to pick up but mucho difficult to master.

Anyway, it's quite interesting and I went to the first class this evening. Figure it's worth pursuing since it's not everyday you get to attempt to look graceful with a 7 foot long bamboo bow.

Comments (5)


Why do your titles sound like you're talking like Yoda -- with the subject at the end of the sentence? (or, "why talking like Yoda are you?") :-)


Felix writes haiku
Speak like Yoda I can not?
What world are we in?


It's got to be the kyudo. :-)

Soon you'll be speaking in koans.


At least you're tall enough to handle a 7 foot long bow gracefully. I would trip over it just trying to stand it upright! Sounds really awesome though... Have fun with it! You can see Kill Bill vol.1 at any time...


Interesting. Have fun with it!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 14, 2003 1:09 AM.

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