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Never a good day...

when you have to reinstall your Windows OS. Installed a new 200GB drive on my PC desktop this morning and figured I'd take the time to merge 2 partitions on my old drive since I no longer needed them to be separate. Bad idea...

PartitionMagic failed to work as advertised and I wound up with a screwed up system partition with a corrupted registry. At first the damn thing wouldn't even boot anymore until I figured out how to use chkdsk on it. That's when I found out my registry was all screwed. But at least I could transfer all my data to the new HD just in case. So I figured I'd do a repair install of WinXP to clean up the corrupt registry. Ha ha, what was I thinking? This is MS, of course it's never that easy. Three quarters of the way through the repair install the damn thing couldn't find the entry for a particular dll and couldn't move on from there. So I had to basically do a fresh install instead. Good thing I did the backup beforehand.

Anyway, it's now almost 2 in the morning and I'm still not finished reinstalling my software and all. At least I got this site up and running again. Ah well, at least I'm getting more experience in debugging Windows screwups. =p

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Windows, bah-humbug.

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