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Let this be a lesson...

Ouch. Talk about a double loser.

Comments (3)


is the lesson that if someone crushes your balls you should seek medical help? fortunately, one with my obviously superior mental powers, could have come up with that w/out the demonstration... heh


Well there's a bunch of obvious lessons here but apparently some people out there still don't know 'em. Hence all those stupid product warning labels. The one's here include:

1. Humility is better than death.
2. Don't pick a fight with an enraged woman.
3. If you ignore the above lesson, then be sure to protect your groin area and you better be sure you're gonna win.
4. Drinking excessively is bad.
5. Really, don't fight women.


*laugh* Darn right you don't want to pick a fight with a woman! We'd win every time. Don't you guys realize yet that PMS is just the ultimate ace up the sleeve that trumps anything else you guys have??? =)

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