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Killing Bill...

Well, finally went to catch a matinee showing of Kill Bill - Volume 1 early Sunday afternoon and I dunno, I thought it was just an ok movie. For some reason I felt a need to nitpick which was kinda weird since I don't normally look for this kinda stuff when I watch a movie. But if you haven't seen this movie yet, then you probably don't want to read on...

1. For a former (and most likely still current) assassin, Vivica J. Fox's character was an unbelievably terrible shot. Even if she was known more for her edged weapons work, how do you miss someone standing still like 5 feet away? Even if you are shooting out of a cereal box. ;-p

2. How the heck did the Bride know 4 years had passed once she woke up from her coma?

3. Did she really kill the prospective rapist by biting his lower lip off? Yowza. And how was she not discovered while recuperating in the Pussymobile? You would think someone would've found 2 dead bodies in a hospital within 13 hours.

4. If her legs were immobile due to entropy, why were her arms ok?

5. How the heck did Sophia survive after getting her arm chopped off, spraying about 500 gallons worth of blood all over the floor, and having to wait about half an hour for the Bride to dispatch everyone else?

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