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Holy cow...

Daaaaaaaa..... YANKEES WIN!!!!!!! Da Yankees WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good god that was an insane game.

Comments (3)

i only watched from the 8th inning on, but I guess those were the good innings. :) And *of course* I actually did miss the live viewing of the last homerun. I had to watch it on replay. But yeah, glad our boys won. :)


Watching this game I have a better appreciation as to why Red Sox fans are so bitter. It's not like the Cubs where they've just sucked for all these years. The Sox have had some really good teams, they just keep finding a way to fail spectacularly when it counts. I mean yesterday's game probably would've been more palatable for Sox fans if the Yanks jumped to an early lead and never looked back but to give the Sox a 3-4 run lead and then tie the game against Pedro of all people with only 5 outs left... that's just cruel.


I so thought that they were going to lose. Boston looked like they had it in the bag. At least they can't blame it on a fan... Heh.... (Really weird the meltdown happened in the 8th inning too....)

I have to admit that I'm not the world's biggest fan of the Yankees but I'm definitely rooting for them. I just wish Mike Mussina would either get some run support or when he has run support, he actually pitches well. I'm only rooting for them because of him and the fact that who wants a team with a fish as a mascot to win??? I mean, really.....

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