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The other side...

Was just wondering... why don't we ever see any news articles on the good things that the Americans might be doing in Iraq? I don't know what good things we could possibly be doing which is why I'd like to read about them. I mean there's gotta be something right? All you see in the news these days about Iraq is mostly more troops being wounded or killed, some old guard Iraqi surrendering or being captured, or some minor bullshit about a new Iraqi government being voted on or formed in like 500 years. Iraq is a relatively large country. Is it possible that EVERYONE there hates us? Or am I just not looking hard enough? Probably have to go troll some Republican sites or something.

Comments (4)


Reporters agree on this much: Bad news ó not good ó sells.



Well no wonder why the Repubs keep saying that there's a liberal bias in the media. The US can't do no right in Iraq it seems. ;-p

And even too much bad news gets monotonous and boring after awhile. I don't think anyone really cares anymore how many more troops died or got wounded every day. I know I don't. I just take it for granted that it's gonna keep happening till we pull them all out. Ridiculous.


Eh. It's not a liberal bias. Journalists just like bad news. Campaign finance and Monica Lewinsky got plenty of coverage during the Clinton years....

Here's a related MeFi thread:

There are some positive Iraq stories in there. Funny thing is, a lot of them are from conservative media sources like the Washington Times and government mouthpieces like the VOA.


Americans aren't that unpopular. Somebody needs to take a stand against the corrupt UN, atm. But it'd be nice if the US Administration would discuss foreign policies with Allies first, rather than 'command' them.

Anyway, American Hegemony is the only way to go!

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