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one of those days

You ever have one of those days? Yeah... that's been my whole week.

Comments (4)


Well considering the week's only 2 days old right now.... ;-p

But yeah, until I get my Pbook it's gonna be one of those really long series of days....


Oi vay... Doesn't sound good! But hey, my week isn't great either so I'm with you there....

I do hope the week gets better for you!


Hopefully climbing last night wiped out the bad mojo and the rest of my week will be filled with pleasantosity.


Hmm. pretty yucky here too. (a trend! a definite trend!) (and a general HI, since this is the first time I'm commenting).

Things here aren't absolutely hideous, but I keep getting to get more and more behind, despite working all the time. =S

At least stuff on the apt. front is progressing (slowly). someday it will be finished, really. then there's just all that packing sh*t.

and i had a good class last night, for the first time in months.

but yeah, things could be less nuts any day now.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 30, 2003 11:53 AM.

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