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It's all in the perspective...

Everything seems to be affordable when you break it down into days. $3000 over 2 years? That's only $4 a day! Surely I can afford that. So I don't eat breakfast for 2 years, not a problem. Ai yai yai.....

Comments (2)


Does that mean you're going to break down and get that Ipod that you always wanted or maybe that new G5 15 inch screen laptop?


Heh, $3000 would be overkill for an iPod. ;-p I'm still waffling on the other stuff though. Went to a tech expo today and was checking out the IBM laptops. For some reason I really want to like the IBMs but their design is just so.... blah. They're the best PC laptops out there but the design is just so damn uninspiring. Only thing good about 'em is that they're black.

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