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Am I Gullible?

Yes I am. So recently I decided to poke around on the Dr. Scholl's site to take a look at their Massaging Gel Insoles since I keep seeing their damn commercials for it on TV. Normally I don't pay much attention to commercials but the ones for this product stuck for some reason...

And they had a printable $2 off coupon for the darn thing so I printed it out and went to the local Duane Reade to check 'em out. Decided to foot the $10.99 bill and bought a pair. Stuck 'em in my new Doc Martens today and tried 'em out. Well, I'm definitely not "gellin' like a felon" like they say in the commercial. What the hell does that mean anyway??? Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Oh well, guess I'll try 'em out on an older pair of shoes to see. New shoes tend to be more comfy to begin with.

Comments (8)


I just can't believe you're validating that dorky "gellin' like a felon" tag line with a purchase. I cringe when I see the commercials...


Wait a sec... you don't even watch tv, how do you see the commercials?


I was wondering about that too. I don't watch TV at home, but I do at work! The "Dr. Scholls" demographic fits right into the geezer demographic of ABCNEWS. So, not that you have the soles, are you "getting like a felon eating watermelon"?


"You gellin'?"
"I'm gellin' like a felon!"
"What about you playa?"
"I'm so gellin', I'm like Magellan!"
"I'm gelling!"
"No you ain't gellin' cracka!"
BANG BANG! (cracka gets shot)




I'm not gellin' like anything yet. Haven't had time to try it out on an older shoe yet.


Jellin is so cool


I think the Dr. Scholls gellin commercial has drug overtones! Yeah, think about it for a minute! The 2 guys get out of their cars after an accident and no one is mad. They're both calm, smiling and their eyelids are half closed. Then one says to the other "if i'm not mistaken, you must be gellin'" (translation: you must be HIGH like me because none of this is bothering you.) Then, of course, the response: like a felon. Why did they use the word felon?? Because smoking dope is against the law. That's my take on it. Does anyone else see this????

I'm gellin, cuz I'm sellin ridallin which is a felon. Want some melon?

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