_June's Winter '01 Tour - Part I_

June was kinda enough to grace us with her presence again a month ago, bringing along with her the damn chilly winds from her native Chicago. Damnit, if we knew she was gonna do that we would've told her to stay up there. ;-p Anyway, we started out the afternoon with a late lunch at Sushi-A-Go-Go near Lincoln Center and then after a brief trip to ABC News headquarters (Andy's place o' work), we headed down to the Village for the mandatory St's Alp run.

what? $2 tip?

break from her accounting duties


hey that camera looks familiar

and in today's news, tree falls from sky, kills pigeon

does she look official or what?

close-in shot


me 2

coming up with captions is tough

she's so studious

any day now she'll pick something

then I choked the hell out of him. that'll teach him to steal my plum wine!

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