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May 17, 2007

Nanocube in 2007

24 Gallon Nanocube

Ha, this Nanocube is in serious need of a layout overhaul. Actually it's not too bad but currently the main piece of driftwood is situated to the rear left corner which makes no sense. I'll eventually try to bring it front and center and sort everything else around it. I'm not sure if I want to keep that big white rock in the rear right but it provides a semi-private area for fish to hide in if they need to. If I can find something that will fit in the tank better I'll definitely get rid of it. This photo was taken after a major trim of the plants in the back. Just cut everything down and replanted. Hopefully it'll look a bit better once it grows up again.


Currently there are 2 trios of livebearers in the tank. The short-finned mollies I've had forever and they still seem to be ok. A few fry were born but only one survived to any reasonable size and he eventually died as well. The trio of albino koi swords are new. Hopefully they'll last longer this time. There aren't as many fish to compete with them this time around.

Furcata Rainbows

Managed to get another quad of furcata rainbows as well. This time they're all male I believe so they're a bit of a rowdy group, chasing each other all over the place. My dabble in rainbows has ended as I donated my last Bosemani back to AF since it was terrorizing the other fish and oddly enough, trying to mate with the short-finned mollies. I think I'll stick with the furcatas from now on. They're small and very pretty.

Furcatas Again

Posted by ronin at 12:39 AM | Comments (0)

New Year, New Updates

5.5 Gallon Tank

Wow it's been quite some time since I've updated this blog. Life's just been much too busy to keep up with 3 blogs on a regular basis. But I'll still try. =) My 5.5 gallon tank is still algae infested but it seems to have reached a maximum infestation point. I think eventually I'll either break down and clean out the entire tank or just throw in a ton of algae-eating shrimp and see how it goes. ;-p Current residents are 4 albino koi swordtail fry, one female guppy, a couple of cory pygmaeus, 2 Japonica shrimp, and a small betta of some sort (not the typical Siamese fighting fish betta). I would put in batches of crystal or cherry shrimp but I suspect the small betta may snack on them if given the opportunity. He leaves the Japonica's alone but that's cause they're relatively large. Cherries and crystals are much smaller. But we'll see, if I run into any at a LFS I'll pick some up and try it.

Posted by ronin at 12:38 AM | Comments (0)