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February 19, 2006
Beginnings of a new tank...
Earlier this month we moved into our new place and I decided to get rid of the 12 and 6 gal Eclipse tanks and consolidate everything into one 24 gal Nanocube by JBJLighting. The 5.5 gal AGA tank I'd keep but clear out to use as a hospital tank when needed.
Took awhile to actually find a cube in the area since I didn't want to pay for shipping the heavy beast along with its stand. Reef Encounter in Hackensack, NJ which I saw had some before wasn't planning on carrying them anymore since there had been issues with the earlier models that cracked after awhile because the glass wasn't thick enough.
Finally found what I was looking for at Fishtown USA in Flushing, NY. Not my favorite place to get to during the weekday due to the usually horrendous traffic in the NYC area which is unfortunate since it's actually a pretty nice store. And the biggest surprise of all was that they actually had 6500K Compact Fluorescent bulbs for it! 6500K bulbs are mind-numbingly hard to find for the JBJLighting Desktop Formosa that I use with the 5.5 gal tank and when I talked to Nanocustoms about ordering the cube from them the sticking point was that they were out of the 6500K bulbs and none of their distributors had them either. So I even picked up an extra pair of bulbs just in case.
The guys at Fishtown USA were nice enough to open up the box and go over the tank with me to check for anything fishy and they also swapped out the 50/50 bulbs that normally come with the tank with the 6500K ones that I wanted instead. Anyway, the one they were selling were the new 2006 models with the thicker glass which they say should solve the cracking problem they were having with the earlier models.
After I got it home, it proceeded to sit in its box for over 2 weeks before I finally had the time to take it out and put everything together.
Posted by ronin at February 19, 2006 11:57 AM