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Fingers hurt...

from putting this sucker together. This Gundam Fix Figuration 0025 kit was probably the toughest one yet. Especially putting it together as the RX-104FF Penelope configuration. Lots of pieces to exchange and snap off and on. Packing a beam saber, mega particle cannon, vulcan gun, funnel missle rack, beam rifle, shield and Minovsky barrier.

Gundam 0025 - Front View

Gundam 0025 - Left View

Gundam 0025 - Back View

Gundam 0025 - Right View

Gundam 0025 - Closeup View


Comments (7)


Dude! How big is your collection now?


Heh, just 4. I've always had 4, just been taking my time actually taking them out and putting them together. =) Got one left to do but that's the biggest one they ever came out with. Will be interesting. ;-)


Uh, OK. Just seemed like more.

BTW, I've confirmed my summer vacation, which'll include a 4-night stopover in Tokyo on the return. Considering doing the Gundam Museum on the last day before I fly out, but I'm having difficulty deciphering info on their website.

Already conceding that I'll probably spend thousands of yen at the Gachapon (capsule toy vending machine) store in Akiba. I've managed not to buy any model or garage kits so far. But don't know if my resistance can hold.


Yeah, I saw alot of those Gachapon machines while I was in Taiwan. Didn't pay much attention to them but Erin seemed to like some of what was being offered. I'm not big into model and garage kits but these Fix Figuration ones were too hard to resist. =)


The problem with the Gundams is that there are too many! I suppose I could go the classic route, with the original RX-78. But, I never really was a Gundam fan.

However, maybe I need a Patlabor or Macross mecha to balance the Sailor Moon, Ryo-oh-ki, Cat Bus, and Hello Kitty I have at my desk?


Heh, yeah there are lots but I don't think that's too big of a problem. I just pick whichever ones I think look cool (usually has the biggest guns/armor). The standard RX-78's a bit too vanilla for me. ;-) I think my fav is still the Nu Gundam with it's mind controlled funnel cannons. =)


more news on the ice cream toilet cups in Taiwan!

what is your email there? email me. I am in taiwan

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