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New toy!! Sorta...


The Sony A130 for my parents finally came in so I've been playing around with it and setting it up for them this weekend. As far as PC laptops go, I generally like Sony's style better than the other brands. Their machines are also priced relatively well for the most part. However, they do make some odd design choices at times...


This A130 is touted as a desktop replacement computer and it's certainly large enough to be one. Width is about the same as my Powerbook but it's a bit taller and a heck of a lot thicker as well.


They've copied the style for the sides from their Z1 series where the front quarter of each side flares out so it makes it seem like the optical drive and ports are recessed further into the body. Kind of a peculiar stylish accent. Lots of curves overall on this machine, even the LCD part curves downwards.


Sony still hasn't gotten the keyboard right for this model which is rather odd considering it's a full-sized laptop. I mean, for Erin's V505 I can somewhat understand the miniscule right shift key since they probably didn't bother coming out with two different keyboard layouts for Japanese and foreign markets. With the A130, the right shift key is still smaller than normal but at least it isn't as small as on the V505. I'm happy to see though that they finally realized their mistakes with their upcoming S150 model and copied the Apple keyboard where the right shift is full-sized and the directional arrow keys are only half-sized. I'm really looking forward to that S150. The keyboard tactile feel is also a bit more dead than I like. Just doesn't feel right but I guess one can get used to it in time.


The other boneheaded thing I don't understand about their A130 layout is the trackpad. For one thing, it seems rather small for a laptop of its size and then the 2 buttons are freakin' horrendous. It appears to me that they tried to make the laptop buttons sort of match their Clie buttons which just DOES NOT WORK. A thin, raised sliver of a button is NOT a good design decision. Looks like I'm going to have to get an external mouse for my parents on this one.


And I don't like the latch that holds the screen down cause it's relatively tough to open the screen. I guess since it's new the screen hinge is still rather tight so I found it tough to hold the button down and raise the screen at the same time cause the eges of the machine are too curvy. With the Powerbook's magnetic latch, the screen actually pops up a little bit after you release the latch so that you don't need to keep the open latch button pressed when you want to raise the screen. It's these little things that make Apple what they are.


Anyway it's not like the machine is all bad. The screen is quite fabulous (no dead pixels thank goodness) and the unit apparently has a light sensor that'll adjust the brightness of the screen depending on your surroundings. With the Centrino processor the battery life just blows the Powerbook away. And it's kinda interesting to see how much processing power you're actually using since it's constantly being adjusted according to what you're actually doing on the machine. I don't think I've gone past 1Ghz at all while I've had this thing even though it has a top rating of 1.5Ghz. For something of its physical size it doesn't seem to be overly heavy either. And the speakers are nice and loud (although a bit weak on the bass). The other thing that amazed me when I first looked closely at the OS (it comes with WinXP Home built-in) was that Outlook Express and Internet Explorer are no longer the default email and browser program! At least not for this Sony. Netscape Navigator and its compatriot email program was prominent in the application bar instead. Stunning.


So overall it should be a good machine for my folks. I still got a week to putz around on it before I have to give it up. Will probably take it to work a few times to see how portable it is. Provided it can actually fit in my computer bags. Hmm....

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