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Sucker for packaging...

Lately I've been drinking a bit of Pom Wonderful, which is pretty much pomegrante juice mixed with other fruit juices. The first time I saw this was in a bodega in NYC after the Halloween parade. Tastes a lot like cranberry juice really which I'm not especially fond of since I think it's a bit too tart for my liking. But for some reason I feel strangely compelled to buy these damn things even though it's $4 a pop. I think it has to do with the bottle...

Comments (4)


I sprung for a bottle to just to check it out.

So, that’s what I was drinking all that time in Europe and Asia at breakfast! (pomegranate juice—not necessarily Pom)


Really? I never saw pomegrante stuff in Asia.


With continental or American breakfast?


Oh, I never had American/continental breakfast in Asia. =)

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