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Ok, so most of you are probably wondering, "What the hell is Ben doing with a freakin' blog site? Weren't his spews enough to turn us off on his writing forever???" And you'd be quite justified in your disbelief and annoyance. But this is how I rationalized it to myself....

  1. I wanted to see what all this hoopla over Movable Type was about.
  2. I wanted to be different and install MT on a Windows box.
  3. I'm an idiot.
  4. I often think of things that I'd like to write up for a spew and then don't because I've forgotten about them by the time I actually have time to try to piece things together. Hopefully this will help prevent that somewhat.
  5. I've always thought of my spew as longer, essay-type chunks of incoherent text so this blog is where I'll throw my one, two, and possibly three-liners. I've always felt bad about wasting a spew on a coupla minor ramblings so this seems like a better way to handle those kinds of things.
And that would be that. So I'll be playing around with the look and feel of this section of my site for awhile. Also since this blog is hosted on my home desktop, it might be slow every now and then. Probably cause I'm gaming or burning my p0rn and illegal music to CDs or something. =p What, you think I'd actually be doing something constructive on a PC? ;-) Anyway, that's about it for now. Ciao!

Comments (3)


I think this is a good idea. We obviously definitely need to know how you're doing or what you're thinking of on a day to day basis. It's of utmost importance!!! =)

June =)


Hi June! =) I could literally feel the sarcasm dripping off your comment. ;-p


Nice Job ben. Nice indeed.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 3, 2003 11:26 PM.

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